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Spare PhenoPen MIND capsule


Replacement capsule 500mg of pure CBD extract for Phenopen MIND.



Replacement capsule 500mg of pure CBD extract of easy magnetic placement suitable for the PhenoPen MIND device.

This unique formulation has been specifically developed to link the receptors to the Endocannabinoid system that helps reduce stress and anxiety. Enriched with extra CBG for a more powerful, soothing effect.
This formula is ideal for soothing episodes of anxiety or stress.
Cannabinoids: CBG 5.5%, CBD 51.2%, CBN 4.5%, CBL 0.509%, CBC 4.92%,
CBE 5.05%, CBT 3.94%
Terpenia: Alpha-Pinene 13.85%, D-Limonene 11.15%

Camphene 0.50%, B-Pinene 8.03%, Beta-Myrcene 19.38%, D3-Carene 0.72%, Alpha
Terpinene 0.48%, P-Cymene 0.27%,

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